This page of the WaterburyHoops.com site lists the top all-time scorers in Waterbury scholastic history, a complete listing of Billy Finn Award winners.
Future additions to the page will include 1,000 scorer for each city school, a rundown of players who have earned All-State recognition overs the years, as well as a compilation of the other annual awards given to city seniors (the Doc McInerney Award and the Lt. Jack Cullinan Awards)
Billy Finn Award winners:
2020: Justin Davis, Crosby
2019: Marquan Watson, WCA
2018: Isiah Gaiter, Sacred Heart
2017: Jeremiah Kendall, Crosby
2016: Mustapha Heron, SH
2015: Don Jarrett, Kennedy
2014: Tyshon Rogers, Crosby
2013: Walter Wright, Wilby
2012: Michael Mallory, Holy Cross
2011: Marvin Hampton, Crosby
2010: Ryan Kolb, Holy Cross
2009: Anthony Ireland, Crosby
2008: B.J. Monteiro, Crosby
2007: Lee Brockett, Kennedy
2006: Damian Saunders, Crosby
2005: James Moore, Crosby
2004: Jon Lucky, Sacred Heart
2003: Moe Chisholm, Wilby
2002: Rob Lucky, Sacred Heart
2001: Mark Konecny, Holy Cross
2000: Ryan Gomes, Wilby
1999: Marvin Rountree, Crosby
1998: Will Stenson, Wilby
1997: Edmund Saunders, HC
1996: Marlin Parker, Kennedy
1995: Harold Miller, Holy Cross
1994: Mike Sanders, Sacred Heart
1993: Marcus Robinson, Wilby
1992: Garnett Petteway, Kennedy
1991: Jerome Malloy, Kennedy
1990: Anthony Banks, Wilby
1989: Wayne Boyette, Crosby
1988: Phil Lott , Wilby
1987: Kevin Eason, Wilby
1986: Willie Davis, Crosby
1985: Kelly Monroe, Holy Cross
1984: Anthony Perry, Sacred Heart
1983: Marty Hayre, Wilby
1982: Carmen Giampetruzzi, HC
1981: Bernie Ireland, Crosby
1980: Ken Sinclair, Sacred Heart
1979: Spencer Harrison, Holy Cross
1978: Mark White, Crosby
1977: Clay Johnson, Holy Cross
1976: Steve Johnson, Crosby
1975: Jim Abromaitis, Holy Cross
1974: Lou Canady, Wilby
1973: Tony Hanson, Holy Cross
1972: Tom Dupont, Wilby
1971: Gary Franks, Sacred Heart
1970: Glenn Cantin, Crosby
1969: Joel Goldson, Sacred Heart
1968: Art Williams, Wilby
1967: Don Sasso, Sacred Heart
1966: John Sinclair, Crosby
1965: E.J. Harty, Sacred Heart
1964: Joe Gillis, Sacred Heart
1963: Art Moore, Wilby
Waterbury’s 2,000-Point Club:
The top five scorers in Waterbury high school history have all eclipsed
2,000 points in their scholastic careers:
1) Tyshon Rogers, Crosby ……………………………………….2,292 points
2) Phil Lott, Wilby ……………………………………….. …….. 2,230 points
3) Jerome Malloy, Kennedy ……………………………………..2,124 points
4) Edmund Saunders, Holy Cross ……………………………..2,087 points
5) Mustapha Heron, Sacred Heart ……………………………..2,056 points